
The third-generation electron storage ring Elettra, operated by the Elettra Laboratory of Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. since 1993, feeds 27 beamlines. Researchers from more than 50 different countries, selected by an international committee on the basis of the quality of their scientific proposals, access the facility each year. Since 2010 the Elettra electron storage ring, upgraded with a full-energy injector in 2007, operates in top-up mode for users. Elettra operates routinely at two different electron energies, 2.0 GeV and 2.4 GeV providing photons with energies from a few tenths eV to tenths keV. All of the most important photon (X-ray and IR) based techniques in the areas of spectroscopy, diffraction, scattering, imaging and lithography are present, including also the unique inelastic ultraviolet scattering (IUVS). Versatile experimental stations are maintained at the state-of-the art, offering unique means to carry out outstanding research in diverse fields and disciplines.

Storage Ring Specifications 2.0 GeV 2.4 GeV
Energy 2 [GeV] 2.4 [GeV]
Max Current 320 [mA] 150 [mA]
Circumference 260 [m] 260 [m]
Lattice Architecture 2 bend acromat 2 bend acromat
Number Of Straight Sections In Use 11 11
Average Beam Lifetime 27 [h] 32 [h]
Top-up Yes Yes
Current At Top-up 310 [mA] 150 [mA]
Beam Revolution Frequency 1157 [MHz] 1157 [MHz]
Emittance 7 [nm*rad]
Filling Pattern Any (single, few, multi etc.); most requested multibunch filled at 95% of the ring circumference (864 ns) and hybrid ( multibunch with a single bunch in the dark gap ) Any (single, few, multi etc.); most requested multibunch filled at 95% of the ring circumference (864 ns) and hybrid ( multibunch with a single bunch in the dark gap )
Harmonic Number 432 432
Bunch Length Or Duration 7 [mm]
Beam Size In Insertion Devices (hor x ver) X = 29 [um], Y = 6 [um] X = 6 [um], Y = 8 [um]
Beam Size In Bending Magnets (hor x ver) X = 139 [um], Y = 28 [um] X = 28 [um], Y = 30 [um]
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
Strada Statale 14 - km 163,5 in AREA Science Park - Basovizza Trieste
TEL. +39 040 37581
FAX. +39 040 375 8029
calls for proposals

The NEXT DEADLINE for submitting proposals to Elettra offline facilities is March 31st, 2025  (h. 23:59, CET) for the user period of the first semester 2025.

As previously communicated (see web page: Energy crisis: impact on user activities at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste), the present calendar for the second semester 2024 is reduced to 50% of accelerator operations. We hope that the new initiatives taking place at the national and European level to curb energy costs will allow us to provide a larger amount of beamtime.