Band Dispersion and Vacuum UltraViolet Photoemission
BaDElPh@VUV, a temporary joint project of ISM-CNR and Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, provides the state-of-the-art instrumentation of the new BaDElPh end station connected to the VUV-Photoemission beamline for the next period. Since 2025, it has been operating through the joint efforts of the research groups of the former BaDElPh and VUV-Photoemission beamlines.
The horizontal linear polarized synchrotron radiation in the energy range 20(25)-750 eV is primarily used to perform photoemission investigations of solid surfaces and nanostructured materials. In particular, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES with the MBS A-1 analyzer) with also spin-resolved mode (by MBS spin manipulator and FOCUS FERRUM spin detector, under commissioning), UPS, XPS and PED.
BaDElPh@VUV operates in time sharing with the Spectromicroscopy beamline, with 50% of time.