BL 03.2R - BaDElPh@VUV

Band Dispersion and Vacuum UltraViolet Photoemission

BaDElPh@VUV, a temporary joint project of ISM-CNR and Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, provides the state-of-the-art instrumentation of the new BaDElPh end station connected to the VUV-Photoemission beamline for the next period. Since 2025, it has been operating through the joint efforts of the research groups of the former BaDElPh and VUV-Photoemission beamlines.
The horizontal linear polarized synchrotron radiation in the energy range 20(25)-750 eV is primarily used to perform photoemission investigations of solid surfaces and nanostructured materials. In particular, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES with the MBS A-1 analyzer) with also spin-resolved mode (by MBS spin manipulator and FOCUS FERRUM spin detector, under commissioning), UPS, XPS and PED.
BaDElPh@VUV operates in time sharing with the Spectromicroscopy beamline, with 50% of time.

Beamline Energy Resolution
8 [meV] @ 65 [eV]
Beamline Energy Range
20 - 750 [eV]
Max Flux On Sample
1 * 1013 [ph/s] @ 100 [eV]
Spot Size On Sample Hor
300 - 500 [um]
Spot Size On Sample Vert
100 - 200 [um]
Angle Of Incidence Light On Sample Value
20 - 110 [degrees]
Photon Sources

U12.5 undulator

Available Polarization
Linear horizontal
Variable Polarization
Source Divergence Sigma
X = 0.07 [urad], Y = 0.074 [urad]
Energy Range
17 - 900 [eV]
Number Of Periods

Spherical Grating Monochromator

Energy Range
17 - 1000 [eV]
Spherical Grating Monochromator with five interchangeable gratings and pre- and post-focusing optics
Resolving Power
20 * 103 [deltaE/E] @ 65 [eV]
Number Of Gratings
Grating Type
Endstations or Setup

End station

OCI low enery electron diffraction (LEED) optics
MBS A-1 hemispherical electron analyzer with a fast 2D-CMOS detector
Base Pressure
2 * 10-11 [mbar]
Detectors Available
Fast 2D-CMOS imaging detector
3D-VLEED Spin detector
Endstation Operative


Sample Type
Other Sample Type
Policrystal, thin film, powder
Mounting Type
Fixed on home-made sample flag
Required Sample Size
X = 10 [mm], Y = 10 [mm], Z = 8 [mm]
X = 1 [mm], Y = 1 [mm], Z = 0.1 [mm]

Manipulator or Sample stage

The sample manipulator has five degree of freedom (xyz translations, polar and azimuthal rotational axes). It is based on a open-cycle helium cryostat (ARS LT-3M), is fully motorized (by stepper motors for the polar rotation and xyz translations and by the piezo motor for the azimuthal rotation), and it can be remotely controlled.
The temperature can be measured by a calibrated C-type thermocouple and by a standard silicon diode (DT-470) installed next to the sample and on the cold finger, respectively. The head of the cryostat includes also a cartridge heater allowing a remote control of the temperature in the range 5-400 K.
Degrees Of Freedom
Translator Stages
Positioning Precision
X = 5 [um], Y = 5 [um], Z = 5 [um]
Range Of Movement
X = 50 [mm], Y = 50 [mm], Z = 600 [mm]

Sample Environment

The Experimental or Analysis chamber is in mu-metal and houses a 4th-generation high-resolution (1 meV / 0.1°) and -transmission (200 mm mean radius) hemispherical electron energy analyzer MBS A-1 with lens scanning and wide acceptance angle, a fast 2D-CCD detector for ARPES, and the MBS Spin Manipulator and a VLEED (FOCUS Ferrum) detector for Spin-ARPES (under commissioning), a high-intensity VUV source (He, Omicron HIS 13, temporarily unavailable), a conventional X-ray source (Al & Mg, PSP TX400, temporarily unavailable), a low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) optics (OCI), a home-made gas-cell (temporarily unavailable), and a residual gas analyzer (SRS RGA200). It is connected through a valve to the UHV Preparation chamber.
Pressure (min)
2 * 10-11 [mbar]
Pressure (Max)
1 * 10-7 [mbar]
10 - 400 [K]
In the fast-entry chamber up to two samples per time can be loaded from air and in about 60 minutes can reach a pressure of about 1*10^-6 mbar. It is connected through a valve to the UHV Heater chamber.
Pressure (min)
2 * 10-7 [mbar]
Pressure (Max)
1 * 103 [mbar]
The Heater chamber houses an electron bombardment heater stage for high-temperature (up to about 2400 K) annealing of the sample and a 7-slot sample flag parking device. It has also several free flanges to mount the needed tools for the required sample preparation (cleavage, scraping, gas treatment, quartz microbalance...) and for UHV in-situ growth of thin films. It is connected through valves to the fast-entry lock and the UHV Preparation chamber.
Pressure (min)
3 * 10-10 [mbar]
Pressure (Max)
1 * 10-6 [mbar]
300 - 2400 [K]
The Preparation chamber houses the five degree of freedom liquid-He cryostat manipulator and it is normally equipped with an ion sputter gun (Varian), a quartz microbalance, and a silver evaporator. It has also several free flanges to mount the needed tools for the required sample preparation (cleavage, gas treatment...) and for UHV in-situ growth of thin films. It is connected through valves to the UHV Heater and Analysis chambers.
Pressure (min)
3 * 10-11 [bar]
Pressure (Max)
1 * 10-6 [bar]
10 - 400 [K]

Sample Holders

heating / cooling devices
Home-made sample flag compatible with Omicron- and Specs-like flag sample holders. The Omicron- and Specs-like flag sample holders can be used with a suitable adapter.

3D-VLEED Spin detector

FOCUS FERRUM Spin detector with MBS Spin Manipulator
The spin detection in the FERRUM is based on Very-Low-Energy Electron Diffraction (VLEED) where an incoming electron beam is scattered at a magnetized and oxygen passivated iron film grown on a tungsten crystal, which define the spin detector direction. The scattered electron beam is directed onto a channeltron. The MBS spin manipulator in front of the FERRUM is used to change the electron spin directions to the spin detector direction, enabling a general analysis of the 3 spin vector components.


Detected Particle
Degrees Of Freedom

Fast 2D-CMOS imaging detector

CMOS image sensor
CMOS Video Camera, Toshiba BU160M with 35 mm lens M118FM35, with high frame rate (240 fps), global electronic shutter (similar to a CCD image sensor: clear images of even fast-moving object are obtainable with less blur), and USB 3.1.
Time Resolved
Pixel Size
X = 3.45 [um], Y = 3.45 [um]
Array Size
X = 1440 [pixel], Y = 1080 [pixel]
Passive or Active (Electronics)


Detected Particle
Degrees Of Freedom
Photoelectron emission
  • Angular Resolved PES
  • Photoelectron diffraction
  • Spin-resolved ARPES
  • UPS
  • XPS
  • Other - Chemistry
Material Sciences
  • Knowledge based multifunctional materials
  • Other - Material Sciences
  • Hard condensed matter - electronic properties
  • Nanophysics & physics of confined matter
  • Surfaces, interfaces and thin films
BaDElPh@VUV beamline
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
S.S. 14 Km 163.5 in AREA Science Park
34149 Basovizza, Trieste
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • LabVIEW
Data Output Type
  • Spectra, images
Data Output Format
  • Igor, krx, txt formats
Softwares For Data Analysis
  • Igor Pro
Equipment That Can Be Brought By The User
Evaporators and other tools for sample preparation usually not available at the beamline. Anyway, users are invited to verified with the local contact on the possibility to connect their own equipment at the beamline end station.