Your company may gather invaluable information about your product at the micro-scale by using advanced experiments at European infrastructures. Talk to us about your challenge and benefit from the current LEAPS-INNOV project support.
What can Light Sources do for you?
Light source facilities produce exceptionally intense beams of X-rays, ultra-violet and infrared light that allow your product or process to be studied at the microscale. They have a wide range of industrial applications that can contribute to the innovation and competitiveness capabilities of the industrial sector. For example, characterising different types of materials at the atomic, nano- or microscale, imaging structures and defects hidden deep within materials, using static, time-resolved and in situ studies are some of the studies that may be performed. We can look inside real materials under real conditions, supporting commercial R&D with unique insights for new and smarter products.

Already hundreds of European companies are using these incredible facilities for their research and innovation programmes, for product development and troubleshooting.

New opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):
SMEs can benefit from light source capabilities thanks to the European project LEAPS-INNOV which is supporting industrial projects in an easy, agile and simple procedure.
LEAPS-INNOV is funding an access programme that is tailor-made for SMEs through a programme called "TamaTA-INNOV", for which SMEs can apply using a very simple form.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact the industrial contact points or the
SMEs are encouraged to contact directly to any of the following light sources to better prepare the industrial proposals