The NEXT DEADLINE for submitting proposals to Elettra offline facilities is March 31st, 2025 (h. 23:59, CET) for the user period of the first semester 2025.
As previously communicated (see web page: Energy crisis: impact on user activities at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste), the present calendar for the second semester 2024 is reduced to 50% of accelerator operations. We hope that the new initiatives taking place at the national and European level to curb energy costs will allow us to provide a larger amount of beamtime.
We invite you to submit applications for access to the SOLARIS Centre research facilities. Access to SOLARIS is free of charge for any scientists who carries out non-commercial research. The international commission decides on the allocation of beamtime.
Beamtime is split into two 6-months allocation periods corresponding to spring and autumn calls for proposals.
The spring call (deadline for proposal submission: 1st of April) is for experiments to be performed from September of the same year till February the following year.
The autumn call (deadline for proposal submission: 1st of October) is for experiments to be performed from March till August of the following year.
Next call for proposals will be open in Spring 2025. The deadline for submitting proposals is the 30th of April 2025 at 23:59 CET.
Classic BAG (Block Allocation Group)
Classic BAG are proposals clustering multiple teams sharing either a similar thematic or a similar technique that required a specific set-up.
There is no limitation in the number of teams gathering or in the number of shifts requested.
Classic BAG submission is open only once a year during calls from mid-July to mid-September.
Accepted Classic BAG experiment can start from March of the next year.
These proposals have a one year duration, with a mid-term reevaluation after six months.
MX-BioSAXS BAG (Block Allocation Group)
MX-BioSAXS BAG are proposals clustering multiple teams sharing either a similar thematic or a similar location.
Currently this type of proposal is dedicated for MX and BioSAXS analysis.
There is no limitation in the number of teams gathering or in the number of shifts requested.
MX-BioSAXS BAG submission is open only once a year during calls from mid-July to mid-September.
Accepted MX-BioSAXS BAG experiment can start from March of the next year.
These proposals have a two years duration, with a mid-term reevaluation after one year.
Standard proposal
SOLEIL has two calls per year which covers beamtime from March to July (1st semester) and from September to February (2nd semester).
Openings of the calls are usually planned in July for beamtime allocation during the 1rst semester and in December for beamtime allocation during the 2nd semester.
Rapid Access
Rapid Acces proposals are a way to obtain free beamtime on decision of the Experimental Division Direction.
Thay are submitted continiously but are limited to a really small number of proposals, only for urgent work.