European synchrotrons and FELs agreed on common proposal format labels

Following a user survey we conducted some time ago, it turned out that Proposal Format Standardisation was the topmost ranked user priority.

Within the CALIPSOplus Horizon 2020 project, all European synchrotrons and FELs discussed on how to harmonize their proposal formats while respecting national regulations and internal rules.

The result is displayed in Figure 1: all facilities agreed to modify their proposal formats so as to include the "common" labels. Every facility decided if to implement one ore more "optional" labels.

SPF 2.0

This new Standardised Proposal Format will be available for ALL standard proposals, i.e. not only for those eligible for CALIPSOplus Transnational Access support.

Implementation has just started, more and more facilities will adopt the new format during 2019. Check out herebelow the status at your chosen facility and download the templates !

At present you can find the Standardised Proposal Format available at: ALBA, ASTRID2, CLIO (CNRS), DAFNE (INFN), Elettra, ELBE, FELIX, FLASH, SOLEIL and PETRAIII.

To find the most suitable beamline for each experiment, you can search our standardized database and use its interactive tools.

The updated catalogue and the new proposal format are linked to each other: the beamlines on the wayforlight catalogue are classified alongside the same scientific Disciplines and Specific Disciplines you can find in some of the Proposal Format.

To help you drafting a successful proposal, you can find specific guidance notes here.
We are currently working on a new tutorial that will be released in the next months.

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