CLF - Artemis


Artemis is the CLF's facility for ultrafast XUV science. Experiments on Artemis use high harmonics to investigate ultra-fast electron dynamics in condensed matter and gas-phase molecules, and for coherent lensless imaging.


Artemis is based on high repetition rate, multi- and few optical cycle and widely tuneable laser sources, and ultrafast XUV (10-100 eV) pulses produced through high harmonic generation. Vacuum beamlines deliver the synchronised pulses to end-stations for condensed matter physics and gas-phase chemistry. Experiments on Artemis use high harmonic generation to investigate ultrafast dynamics in experiments on gas, liquid and solid materials. We also exploit the spatial coherence of the XUV to use coherent diffractive imaging techniques.


Applications of XUV pulses on Artemis include photoelectron spectroscopy with XUV probe pulses, high harmonic generation spectroscopy, and ultrafast demagnetisation. Artemis aims to combine femtosecond laser and synchrotron technologies to enable new science in the emerging field of ultrafast x-rays.


A key technique used on Artemis is time and angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, which enables the electronic structure of a material to be monitored as it responds to excitation by a laser pulse. The target material is irradiated by a short laser pulse, which induces structural changes and excitations. It is then probed at a series of time delays by a short wavelength pulse which generates photoelectrons that are then collected and analysed. The Artemis beamline was one of the first in the world to use XUV pulses from high-order laser harmonics for photoemission. The higher photon energy enables electrons with a much wider range of energy and momentum space to be detected, meaning that each snapshot of electronic structure has a ​much wider field of view.


Artemis is currently being relocated to the Research Complex at Harwell and being upgraded with the addition of a 100kHz OPCPA, an additional beamline and end-stations.


Laser-based light source parameters

Red Dragon

Source type
Ti:Sapphire chirped pulse amplifier (CPA)
Peak Photon energy / central wavelenght
780 [nm]
Spectral Bandwidth FWHM / %
30 - 50 [nm]
Beam shape
Pulse duration FWHM
30 [fs]
Linear Horizontal, Linear Vertical, Circular, Elliptical
Pulse repetition rate
1000 [Hz]
Maximum pulse energy
12 [mJ]
Peak power
4 * 1011 [W]
Special modes
We have two independent compressors. The laser is typically configured with 8-10mJ going to compressor 1 and the remainder to compressor 2, although these values can be adjusted by utilising various fixed beamsplitter values, continuously over a small range using a waveplate, or sent to a single compressor.
Peak intensity on target
1 * 1016 [W/cm2]


Source type
Ti:Sapph pump collinear optical parametric amplifier (OPA)
Photon energy range / wavelength range
1160 - 2600 [nm]
Spectral Bandwidth FWHM / %
30 - 50 [nm]
Beam shape
Pulse duration FWHM
40 [fs]
Linear Horizontal, Linear Vertical
Pulse repetition rate
1000 [Hz]
Maximum pulse energy
1.5 [mJ]
Special modes
Idler (1600 – 2600 nm) – Horizontal polarisation
Signal (1160 – 1600 nm) – Vertical polarisation
Both outputs available simultaneously

XUV (Broadband)

Source type
High harmonic generation (HHG) extreme ultraviolet (XUV).
Output consists of a comb of frequencies separated by twice the driving frequency.
Maximum photon energy and flux depend on driving wavelength.

This source can be used with the HHG spectroscopy and XUV imaging end stations.
Photon energy range / wavelength range
10 - 200 [eV]
Beam shape
Pulse duration FWHM
10 [fs]
Linear Horizontal, Linear Vertical
Pulse repetition rate
1000 [Hz]
Special modes
When combined with the HCF pulse compressor, a broadband XUV continuum can be produced.
Different foils (e.g. aluminium, molybdenum selenide) can be used to spectrally filter the radiation to isolate specific spectral regions / reject the fundamental pulse.

XUV (Monochromatised)

Source type
High harmonic generation (HHG) followed by a time-preserving single-pass grazing incidence conical diffraction monochromator.

This source can be used with the material science and AMO chambers for various types of time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy techniques.
Photon energy range / wavelength range
20 - 80 [eV]
Spectral Bandwidth FWHM / %
250 - 500 [meV]
Beam shape
Linear Horizontal
Pulse repetition rate
1000 [Hz]
Endstations or Setup

AMO (Atomic & Molecular Optics)

Velocity Map Image (VMI)
Time of Flight (ToF)
Base Pressure
1 * 10-7 [mbar]
Detectors Available

Endstation Operative


Sample Type

Techniques usage

Photoelectron emission / Time-resolved studies
Used for pump probe measurements with a visible / UV pump beam and a higher energy VUV - EUV probe
Photoelectron emission / UPS
Used with strong-field ionisation for Coulomb explosion imaging 

HHG Spectroscopy

Flat-field grating spectrometer
Time-of-flight spectrometer
Base Pressure
1 * 10-6 [mbar]
Detectors Available

Endstation Operative


Sample Type

Manipulator or Sample stage

Material Science

Angle-Resolved Photoelecton Spectrometer (ARPES)
Detectors Available


Sample Type

Manipulator or Sample stage

XUV Imaging

Base Pressure
1 * 10-8 [mbar]
Detectors Available
Endstation Operative


Other Sample Type
Thin XUV transmissive samples

Manipulator or Sample stage


40mm Imaging MCP

Multistage MCP with phosphor screen
Comercial microchannel plate (MCP) and phosphor units with 40mm diameter active area
Passive or Active (Electronics)


Detected Particle

70mm Imaging MCP

Multistage MCP with phosphor screen
Commercial microchannel plate (MCP) and phosphor units with 70mm diameter active area
Passive or Active (Electronics)


Detected Particle
Emma Springate
Photoelectron emission
  • Angular Resolved PES
  • Spin-resolved ARPES
  • Time-resolved studies
  • UPS
  • Other - Chemistry
Material Sciences
  • Other - Material Sciences
  • Atomic & molecular physics
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • Home built in Matlab or Labview
Data Output Type
  • Raw data
Data Output Format
  • ASCII text files
    Matlab .mat files
Softwares For Data Analysis
  • Labview
    Igor Pro