Laser pulses:
- Two synchronized high power Ytterbium fiber amplifiers delivering each 50 W @1030 nm
- Repetition rate ajustable between 160 kHz and 2MHz
- Pulse duration: 140 fs,300 microjoules max @ 160 kHz, 25 microjoules max @ 2MHz
- Postcompressed pulses @1030 nm : <20 fs with >150 microjoules à 160kHz (2018)
Harmonic generation :
- Second, third and fourth harmonic generation in crystals : 515 nm, 343 nm, 257.5 nm
- postcompressed pulsed @515 nm (under development)
High harmonic generation :
- 1e12 to 1e13 photons/s by harmonic between 20 eV and 40 eV
- Selection of harmonics by metallic filters
- Sélection of singl harmonic by monochromator (2018)
- Generation of circularely polarized harmonics
- Velocity Map Imaging (VMI) spectrometer
- COLTRIMS spectrometer for electrons-ions mapping in coincidence (2018)