CELIA - Eclipse2

Laser pulses :
    - 10 Hz, 45 fs, 150mJ @ 810 nm.
    - Energy stability: 3 %RMS.
    - Active beam pointing stabilization  (slow and fast drifts).
    - From compressor (incl.) to experiment under vacuum.

Post compressed pulses available on demand :
10 fs, 10 mJ, pulse duration stability  < 7 % RMS

Active Wavefront Correction 
-TW deformable mirror  (Hipao) + Shack-Hartmann detector (HASO)
    - low flux focal spot imaging  

High energy High Harmonics Generation :
 - long focale length  (f=2 m)

- Beam shaping  (Top Hat at focus +  characterization)

- generating medium:  pulsed gas jet  (General Valve (10Hz)), hollow Capillary, gas cell   

Detection and application of harmonics :

- Selection of  VUV-XUV harmonics by metallic filters and/or vitreous reflexions
- Harmonics characterization  : Spatially resolved spectrum (grating flat field h11 - h79 + MCP).

    - Single shot XUV characterization with spatial and spectral resolution

    - Time-of- flight Spectrometer  (ion or magnetic bottle)
    - Pump-probe (XUV-IR)with sub-fs resolution

Recent experiences :

High Harmonics generation by sub-10 fs TW pulses.
XUV emission confinment by  ionisation.
Top-Hat Beam-shaping of generating beam.
High flux Harmonics generation in hollow fibers .


Laser-based light source parameters


Source type
Peak Photon energy / central wavelenght
810 [nm]
Spectral Bandwidth FWHM / %
40 [nm]
Beam shape
Pulse duration FWHM
45 [fs]
Pulse repetition rate
10 [Hz]
Maximum pulse energy
150 [J]
Pulse energy fluctuations %
3 * 10-2 [sigma]
Peak power
3 * 1012 [W]
stephane Petit
  • Time-resolved studies
Emission or Reflection
  • Polarimetry
  • Time-resolved studies
  • Atomic & molecular physics
  • High-field science, non-linear X-ray Optics
  • Optics
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • n.a.
Data Output Type
  • n.a.
Data Output Format
  • n.a.