ANTARES is an instrument dedicated to Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARPES) with high spatial resolution. This setup offers a spectroscopic momentum- and space-resolved probe with lateral size of 0.6 micron (nanoARPES) to study the electronic structure of advanced materials.
This spectro-microscope is using high-resolution MBS A1 analyser with deflectors, ensuring the high energy and k space resolution to settle even tiny features in complex electronic band structures. The sample is cooled down to 70 K. The beamline was designed to cover with two undulators a large range of photon energies from 10 eV to 900 eV, in circular and linear polarisation, and is equipped with a high-resolution VLS PGM monochromator. The most recent advancement is in-operando setup, comprising 3 electrical connections to the sample under study.
ANTARES functionality of an ARPES microscope is in demand in the fields of studies dedicated to two dimensional heterostructures. In the heterostructures manufactured of micron-sized flakes of 2D layers today one can fine-tune their electronic structure by using different materials, adjusting their mutual orientation, varying with voltage chemical potential, strain, etc. etc. The submicron spot of nanoARPES instrument offers a unique opportunity to study directly their electronic dispersion in-operando.
Other applications of nanoARPES technique include, at least, crystals with ultra-small sizes, and polycrystalline materials, electronic bands on different crystals terminations on cleaved crystals, etc. The in-operando technique could be used to analyse distribution of the electric potential inside the protype device. The instrument is in continuous development and is team is open to discuss the new applications.