The FL26 has been build up in a collaboration of the MPIK Heidelberg and DESY and features a reaction microscope REMI as a permanent endstation dedicated to AMO science applications. Using a coincident measurement technique, a complete set of all the kinematic properties of the products of the photoionization process can be determined in the experiment. This method greatly benefits from the unique high repetition rate at FLASH due to the burst mode operation.
In particular the temporal evolution of atomic and molecular processes can be investigated by means of pump-probe experimental schemes. XUV-XUV pump-probe experiments can be performed using an in-line split&delay focusing unit. Furthermore, two fully synchronized laser systems in the NIR and VUV range, respectively, will be available soon at this beamline, enabling multi-color pump-probe experiments.
XUV Split&delay focusing unit:
Acceptance of the full FLASH2 parameter range:
Photon-diagnostics of FLASH2: