ID26 - High-Brilliance X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy (XAS-XES)
ID26 is dedicated to X-ray spectroscopy in the applied sciences. The high-brilliance X-ray beam allows for absorption studies on very dilute samples. X-ray emission spectroscopy is performed by means of a crystal spectrometer. By combining the tuneable incident energy with an emission spectrometer we take advantage of resonance effects that can provide detailed information on the electronic structure. ID26 is equipped for different sample environments to perform in situ studies and we can also adapt to a variety of user experimental stations.
Scientific Applications
The local coordination and electronic structure of an X-ray absorbing atom are studied by extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. X-ray emission (XES) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) spectroscopy are sensitive to electron-electron interactions and give information that is complementary to absorption spectroscopy. We can thus study orbital splittings, spin- and oxidation states as well as the local symmetry and coordination. RIXS gives access to element-specific excitations of only a few eV that can arise from local (e.g. d-d), nearest neighbor (e.g. charge transfer).
With the hard X-ray probe, very few restrictions apply to the possible sample environments (cryostat, oven, in-situ cells, liquids). Our main experimental interests are therefore in situ/operandostudies in applied fields. We have ongoing projects in mineralogy/geology, catalysis, materials science, magnetism and cultural heritage.