The SGM3 beamline is designed to operate in the 12–150 eV photon energy range with a resolving power of around 15,000. This energy range is covered with three spherical gratings and by using the first to seventh harmonic of the undulator inserted in the ASTRID2 storage ring.

This beamline is combined with an end-station for angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES). The experimental station is equipped with three connected chambers allowing transfer in UHV between two preparation chambers and a measurement one.

The system is in particularly well suited for measurements of the electronic structure along arbitrary direction in k|| space, Fermi surface mapping, bulk bands mapping and studying the polarization dependence of photoemission features.


Beamline Resolving Power
2 * 104 [E/deltaE] @ 60 [eV]
1 * 104 [E/deltaE] @ 0 [eV]
Beamline Energy Range
12 - 150 [eV]
Max Flux On Sample
2 * 1013 [ph/s] @ 40 [eV]
Spot Size On Sample Hor
120 [um]
Spot Size On Sample Vert
30 - 150 [um]
Photon Sources

U55 undulator

Available Polarization
Linear horizontal
Source Divergence Sigma
X = 0.1 [urad], Y = 0.1 [urad]
Source Size Sigma
X = 225 [um], Y = 40 [um]
Source Spectral Brightness
6 * 1014 [ph/s/mrad^2/mm^2]
Source Spectral Flux
5 * 1014 [ph/s/0.1%bw]
Energy Range
12 - 150 [eV]
Total Power
22 [W]
Number Of Periods
55 [mm]


Energy Range
12 - 150 [eV]
Resolving Power
15000 [E/deltaE] @ 15 [eV]
10000 [E/deltaE] @ 20 [eV]
20000 [E/deltaE] @ 60 [eV]
6500 [E/deltaE] @ 150 [eV]
10000 [E/deltaE] @ 100 [eV]
Number Of Gratings
Grating Type
Spherical, laminar
Pre-focusing Mirror Type
Refocusing Mirror Type
Movable exit slit
Other Optics

Refocusing optics

Refocusing of the exit slit source by a single ellipsoidal mirror.
Horizontal spot size about 0.12 mm
Vertical spot size 0.03 - 0.15 mm (variation due to movable exit slit)
Endstations or Setup

SGM ARPES endstation

This beamline is combined with an end-station for angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES). The experimental station is equipped with three connected chambers allowing transfer in UHV between two preparation chambers and a measurement one.
The system is in particularly well suited for measurements of the electronic structure along arbitrary direction in k|| space, Fermi surface mapping, bulk bands mapping and studying the polarization dependence of photoemission features.
The end station allows:
• ARPES multi channel detection with energy resolution better than 15 meV and variable angular resolution
• 5 degrees of freedom manipulator for ARPES measurements (70-800 K)
• 6 degrees of freedom manipulator for ARPES measurements (25-500 K)
• in situ sample preparation (sputtering, annealing 180-1800 K, chemical treatment) and cleaving
• in situ STM
• in situ Auger spectroscopy
• in situ epitaxial growth followed by RHEED

In this setup a main chamber is dedicated to angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy exploiting a Phoibos 150 spectrometer and two different manipulators. A five degrees of freedom manipulator allow measurements in the temperature range to 70-800 K while a new 6 degree of freedom manipulator will allow measurement down to 25 K. The motions of the manipulators and several settings of the beamline and acquisition modes are motorized and automatic scans can be performed. Acquisition and online analysis are available using Igor Pro 6 (WaveMatrix).
The set-up is also equipped with two different preparation chambers. One of them is equipped with a spectrometer for Auger spectroscopy and an Aarhus STM, mass spectrometer and the standard equipment for sample preparation (sputtering, temperature treatments range 180-1800 K, gas lines and deposition using a SPECS EBE-4 evaporator). The second preparation chamber (PC2) is specifically dedicated to epitaxial growth (temperature ranges 180-1800 K) and is equipped with a RHEED apparatus and a high temperature socket for cleaning tungsten substrates. Standard sample preparation equipment is available also here. A load-lock allows the loading of samples in UHV in 1h time.


Sample Type
Other: Please contact for details of required sample type and size.
Required Sample Size
X = 10 [mm], Y = 10 [mm], Z = 2 [mm]
Søren V. Hoffmann
Philip Hofmann
Photoelectron emission
  • Angular Resolved PES
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • n/a
Data Output Type
  • n/a
Data Output Format
  • n/a