Beamline P09 operates at X-ray energies between 2.7 and 24 keV. It is dedicated to resonant X-ray diffraction on single-crystals and thin films. A double phase retarder and a polarization analyzer are available in order to control the polarisation of the incoming beam and analyze the polarization of the scattered beam in the energy range between 2.7 and 13.7 keV. Fast switching of the incident circular polarization is also possible allowing for circular dichroic experiments. The diversity of sample environments available at the beamline allow for experiments in a wide range of temperature to take place, in high magnetic fields, at high pressure and in electric fields.
Experimental Hutch 1 is equipped with a high-precision ‘4S + 2D’ six-circle diffractometer allowing for experiments in the horizontal and vertical scattering planes with small sample environments of weight loads till 15 kg. Closed-cycle cryostats covering the temperature range between 1.7K and 800K are available. Windowless operation is possible for experiments in the tender X-ray range.
Experimental hutch 2 is equipped with a non-magnetic heavy-load six-circle diffractometer in horizontal Psi-geometry allowing for experiments in the horizontal scattering plane with heavy sample environment till 800 kg. A 14 Tesla split-coil cryomagnet is available operating in the temperature range from 1.8 K up to 300 K with the variable temperature insert or down to 320 mK using the He-3 insert. A pulse tube cryostat with large cooling power is also available allowing high pressure experiments with DACs down to 4 K (P < 30 GPa).