P03 Micro- and Nanofocus X-ray Scattering

P03 exploits the excellent photon beam properties of PETRA III to provide micro- and nanofocused beams with ultra-high intensity and resolution in real and reciprocal space. Among the available methods are μGISAXS and μSAXS tomography along with their extensions to nanosized beams and scanning nanodiffraction in SAXS/WAXS geometries. Hence, the beamline design is dedicated to a micro- and a nanofocus endstation being both capable of transmission as well as grazing incidence experiments. The MiNaXS beamline exploits one of a high-β canted 2m undulator pairs. The energy range of the beamline is foreseen as 8–23keV. In combination with Si(111) crystals, this demands a very high stability and precise positioning. To suppress higher harmonics, a planar double-mirror with low incidence angle compatible with the large energy range of the beamline will be used.The details of the two end stations are as follows:

hutch EH1

  • The microfocus end station (hutch EH1) provides beam dimensions of 42x20μm2 and 22x 13μm2. Since 2012, an even smaller microfocus (projected beam size 10x 5μm2) was brought into operation.
  • Additionally, a 1:1 imaging layout for combining USAXS (Ultra Small-Angle X-ray Scattering) with a moderately microfocused beam is currently discussed.
  • A variety of sample environments is offered at the microfocus end station, ranging from imaging ellipsometry[3] to fluidics and sputter deposition


hutch EH2

  • The nanofocus end station (hutch EH2) offers a minimum beam size of 250 x 350 nm² throughout the entire energy range. A long focal distance KB-mirror optics is used to provide a clear working distance of close to 10 cm which provides an excellent setting even for extended sample environments. A range of different in-situ sample environments have already been successfully used in scanning nanodiffraction experiments (e.g. high pressure cells, nanoindentation devices, tensile rigs, electric / magnetic field cells, microfluidics setups).
Beamline Energy Resolution
2 [meV] @ 10000 [eV]
Beamline Energy Range
11400 - 23000 [keV]
Max Flux On Sample
5 * 1011 [ph/s] @ 13 [eV]
Spot Size On Sample Hor
0.25 - 40 [um]
Spot Size On Sample Vert
0.35 - 25 [um]
Divergence Hor
4.0E-5 - 1 [mrad]
Divergence Vert
4.0E-5 - 1 [mrad]
Angle Of Incidence Light On Sample Value
0 - 90 [degrees]
Stephan V. Roth
Christina Krywka (EH2)
Matthias Schwartkopf
  • Surface diffraction
  • Time-resolved studies
Emission or Reflection
  • Ellipsometry
  • Time-resolved studies
  • X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
  • Small angle scattering
  • Time-resolved scattering
  • Wide angle scattering
  • Other - Chemistry
  • Sustainable energy systems
Information & Communication Technologies
  • Other - ICT
Material Sciences
  • Knowledge based multifunctional materials
  • Other - Material Sciences
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • Labview, C++, Python
Data Output Type
  • spectra, images, parameters like temperature
Data Output Format
  • tif, cbf, fio
Softwares For Data Analysis
  • DPDAK (G. Benecke [DESY, MPI Golm], IsGISAXS (R. Lazzari [U Paris]), fitGISAXS (D. Baboneau [U Poitiers])
Equipment That Can Be Brought By The User
1 m x 1 m x 1 m, < 180kg